Scholastic GO!
Explore nonfiction texts, world newspapers, videos and more with this digital resource designed to strengthen content knowledge, vocabulary, and core proficiency skills.
Science Reference Center
Full-text science magazines, encyclopedias, reference books, and a collection of images.
Science: Gale in Context
Understand context for hundreds of science topics through overviews, journals, news, interactive experiments, and more.
Scribner Writers Online: Gale
Browse original scholarly essays on authors from around the world. Places authors and their works in personal and historical context.
Skills and Interests Matcher
There are a lot of options for careers out there – how do you narrow them down to something you’d enjoy, or discover a career that suits you to a T? Take one of the quizzes linked on this page!
Small Business Source
Small Business Reference Center covers all aspects of starting and operating a business. Information on accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, etc. State-specific information included.
Small Engine Repair Source
Offers assistance in providing routine maintenance (tune-ups, brake service) as well as extensive repairs (engine and transmission disassembly) and allows users to search by product type, brand, model/engine type, specific area of model/engine type and model numbers. PDF full text is available for all documents.